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Monday, February 25, 2013

Command Center {Chore Cards}

While building my command center I thought "What is a command center with out chore cards for the kiddos?"  They were very simple to make and my kids like to use them.  It takes the guess work out of what is expected when doing chores.

I started buy making my chore cards in Microsoft Word.  {Really advanced I know.}  I made 4 to a page.  I tried to make the card lists in logical order of the chore being done.  Here is an example.
clean mirror
clear & wipe counter
scrub toilet & wipe down toilet bowl
sweep floor
mope floor
take out trash
I teach my kids to start with the mirror and end with the floor so they only need to use 1 cleaning towel.

My boys have a group of chores that they do each week.  Then they switch on Monday Mornings. These chores include dishes (load and put away), vacuuming, bathrooms and garbage. Some are done everyday and others are once a week. It just depends on the chore. I also included a check list for their bedroom. Just in case they have a question on what needs to be cleaned.  

If you would like to print my chore cards for your kids please do. I printed mine in 2 different colors so my boys don't get confused who's chores are done.   Click on the link for a printable copy.

            Chore Card 1     Chore Card 2     Chore Card 3

Next I cut them up and laminated them.  This makes it so your kids can check off the chore with a dry erase marker when they get their chores done. It always feels good to check off a finished chore.  It also makes it easy for Dad to check that chores are done!

Many of my chores come from a book called the Parenting Breakthrough by Merrilee Boyack.  She is the amazing mother of 4 boys.  If you ever wonder when your kids should start certain chores, which chores or how much to pay for chores, this book has the answers for you.  I love this book to reference as my kids grow up. You will not be disappointed.

Parenting Breakthrough on Amazon

Here is another look at my command center center.  The links are below if you want to check them out. For more information on my 5 week meal plan (Yes I plan for 5 weeks, My life is so much easier) please see the link below.  I even shared how I do it on a local lifestyle show, KPVI.

For more about my command center check out these links.
Command center
5 Week Meal Rotation Plan

Thanks for visiting.  If you have any questions about how I did it please feel free to send me an email or comment.  Be sure I can write you back!!


  1. i love the chore cards. i have made many variations of this, but i like your checklists.

    mobile morsels

  2. Great idea! I'd love for you to check out our first ever Pattern Party. Those with free patterns or templates are invited to link up! Hope to see you there! http://getyourcraptogether.blogspot.com/search/label/Pattern%20Party

  3. I love that book! One of my favorites!

  4. Thank you for sharing, this is very inspiring! Do you give your kids an allowance for doing these chores? If so, how do you breakdown how much each chore is worth?

  5. I really like the check lists and was going to make one for me and my sister, but they're not showing up when I click on your link. Am I doing something wrong? Maybe if you could email them to me, that'd help. I'm trying to get my life and home in order and don't always know what to do or where to go with it. Thanks for sharing what has worked for you:) -Tiffany-

  6. Okay, so when I signed in to comment, the pdf's showed up. Yay!!

  7. This is very close to what I was looking for! Now my question is, can I edit them? My biggest issue with finding things that others have made is that there are always a few little things that I need to change to make them work for our family. But I never can figure out HOW to change them! ... and I don't know how to make my own :(

  8. I am really impressed by the way you detailed out everything. It is really going to help me a lot. Thanks for sharing your thoughts so clearly.
    all time print


I love reading your comments and answering them if I can. Please come back when You get a little Free Time! Adrienne

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