Over the past few months I have really been thinking about goal setting and how it can influence my life. I have shared may a conversations with other about the topic. I even shared my thoughts about the subject with my Young Women, and how important it can be when making long term plans and goals. I have never really been a goal writer. It just isn't something I have ever really done.
A friend shared a study with me on the positive effects of goal setting. Did you know that people who write there goals down are more likely to follow through? And even more impressive is that when it comes to jobs and education those goal writers achieve higher grades and make upwards of 1o times form money than those who don't? I was amazed at the statistic.
Then I heard Noelle Pikus Pace speak, she truly inspired me to want more! I needed to decide what I really to achieve. I came up with these free goal setting printable's to help me on my journey.