We all try and do our part, Right? Help the environment, recycle, upcycle.
(If Your a crafter Upcycle is your favorite!)
Well I try to do my little part. I am kind of a water brat. I will not drink from the tap. It tastes a little weird. Maybe its from my Flight Attendant days. Not quite sure.
(I flew back in my glory days of no kids or responsibility. What a fantastic job. Just me, myself and I. Sometimes I miss those days.)
We always drank bottled water. Especially on the airplane.
Well no more.
I love these new cups with lids. My girlfriend turned me onto them about 2 years ago. I love them. They are convenient and easy. I find that I drink more water and feel better.
I had just one hang up. I could not drink anything but water in them.
The whole bacteria in the straw that I can't clean easily. Kind of Creeps me out.
So I gave them up for a bit.
I knew I wanted them back in my life so I came up with an easy method to clean that straw and keep the creeps out.
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Pipe cleaner
Fold one end of the pipe cleaner about 1 inch.
This may vary depending on the circumference of your straw.
You may need to fold it over twice.
Dab a dot of dish soap on the folded end of the Pipe Cleaner.
I use Hot water to flush the straw out then stick the Pipe Cleaner in the straw.
Twist, Turn and Pull in and out until your straw is to your standards.
You may have to do this to the other end if your pipe cleaner does not reach the end.
Rinse well with hot water and all clean.
No more gross things growing in your straw.
Quick, Easy and Cheap.
I kind of have a collection. One for the car, the kitchen, the craft room and my bedroom. I picked up a few after Halloween for $2. Yeah, for me.
These also make fantastic gifts for Co-workers, teachers or family.
Here are a few ideas. For gift giving ideas!
This is also a great way to clean your sippy cups if you have toddlers!
So buy a cup (
They are only about $5), clean the straw
(I just showed you how) and help save the Planet.
. Fill them with a fun little treat (and a pipe cleaner) and you are ready to go.
Easy Peasy!
Thanks for Looking.