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Monday, June 2, 2014

Summer Citrus Slush

A a youth I remember every big summer activity we had this drink that I just loved. We called it SLOP. It stood for Seven-up, lemonade, orange juice and Pineapple.  Put them all together and what do you get?  SLOP! You mix up the each ingredients and enjoy. So I decide to make it a yummy, cool slush that my kids can enjoy on a hot summer day.  I love mixing this up and freezing it in old Ice cream containers and keeping it for a few weeks.  This recipe isn't an exact match but it is delicious and perfect for those hot summer days!

Friday, May 30, 2014

Cabela's gift card & National park pass giveaway!

It's Summer Time!!!! I hope you have enjoyed all the amazing posts from This year's Get Your Kids Moving in May Series! There were some AMAZING ideas, crafts and yummy food to help keep those kiddos healthy and active this summer! To bid farewell to such an awesome series we're giving away 1 FREE National Park Pass ($80 Value) which will allow you to access over 2000 National Parks! See a complete list HERE ...How cool is that! So load up the kids and get out there and explore this beautiful world we live in! And since you'll need supplies -- we're also giving away a $75.00 gift card to Cabela's!!! 
Shop online or in one of their gazillion locations nationwide! 

If you missed some of the awesomeness check out these super cool posts!! 

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Free Teacher Appreciation Gift Card Printables

teacher appreciation gift card printables www.freetimefrolics.com #teacherapprecaiation #freeprintable
As the school year draws to a close, I find myself searching for a teacher gift. I want to do something for them that gives them an option. I like to give my teachers more than chocolate and Diet Coke.  So this year I came up with 2 option.  One for Ice Cream and the other for a Smoothie.  Because everyone loves Ice Cream and smoothies. They are the perfect summer treat!  So head out to your local Ice Cream Parlor or smoothie shop and get a couple gift cards for those amazing teachers you kids have had the privilege to learn from and print off the easy gift card holders to tell them THANK YOU!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Guest post at the Ribbon Retreat!

4th of July Diamond Mesh Hair Bows - The Ribbon Retreat Blog
Today I am posting over at the Ribbon Retreat.   This Diamond Mesh is awesome stuff to work with.  Head over and check them out!

Friday, May 23, 2014

Juicy, Parmesan Chicken {Recipe}

juicy parmesan chicken www.freetimefrolics.com #recipe #chicken
Have you been at a restaurant and bit into a delicious piece of juicy chicken with a crunchy outside shell?  Well this is exactly what you get.  I have a little trick up my sleeve on how to get the juiciest breaded chicken. Plain yogurt!  Its amazing.  Instead of coating your chicken in butter or egg use plain yogurt.  It's healthier and tastes divine.  You cant even taste the yogurt!  So you want the recipe???  Keep on reading!

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dr. Who Bow Tie, Father's Day Printable

Dr who fathers day printable www.freetimefrolics.com #fathersday #drWho

Calling all Dr. Who fans!  This one is just for you, a... your Father.  
When I asked my husband what he thought about a bow tie fathers day gift, he said "Bow ties are cool".  Like Dr. Who cool.  So today you are getting the Dr. Who, "Bow Ties are Cool"  free printable for Father's day. And even if your dad doesn't love a real bow tie.  He is sure to love a candy version!
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