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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Dresser Redo with Annie Sloan Paint

I have been desperately looking for a new dresser.  I found an old dresser at a local thrift store.  It was in decent condition so I took it for under $90.  Not to bad for an old solid dresser.  The dresser had good structure but the vintage 70's stain was much to be desired.  So I pulled out the old sander and went to town.

Friday, August 15, 2014

Reusable Sandwich Bags & The Ribbon Retreat

I am over at the Ribbon Retreat today sharing in there Back to School A-Z series!  Come on over and check out my post!

Thursday, August 14, 2014

LDS Come Follow Me August Handouts & Ideas

It's August and I haven't posted any Young Women Come Follow Me printable in a while so I am trying to get caught up.  I will add them as I plan my lessons.  First up was my lesson on how Men and Women compliment each other.  I started my lesson with images that complimented each other.  ie. Tom & Jerry, PB&J, stuff like that.  Then I worked out my lesson with then talks and videos given.  For my hand out I made this fun printable with a pack of mentos. 

How do Men and Women Compliment each other:

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Goal Setting for Kids {Free Printable}

Goal setting printable's for kids via www.freetimefrolics.com #printable #goals

The other day I shared a little about goal setting.  I decided it was never to early to start setting goals.  So I made my printable for the kids.  I printed them off and laminated them.  The kids can write there goals on them with a marker and use them to remind them about What they want tot achieve.
 So click on the links and pick a couple out for your kids!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Goal Setting and To Do List Printable

Over the past few months I have really been thinking about goal setting and how it can influence my life.  I have shared may a conversations with other about the topic.   I even shared my thoughts about the subject with my Young Women, and how important it can be when making long term plans and goals.  I have never really been a goal writer. It just isn't something I have ever really done. 
 A friend shared a study with me on the positive effects of goal setting.  Did you know that people who write there goals down are more likely to follow through?  And even more impressive is that when it comes to jobs and education those goal writers achieve higher grades and make upwards of 1o times form money than those who don't?  I was amazed at the statistic.
  Then I heard Noelle Pikus Pace speak, she truly inspired me to want more!  I needed to decide what I really to achieve.  I came up with these free goal setting printable's to help me on my journey.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

A-Z Series with the Ribbon Retreat

Back To School A-Z Series - The Ribbon Retreat Blog Hurry, hurry...the school bus is coming! Grab your lunch box, your back pack and those good lookin' school smiles because the bell is about to ring! Can you believe that in just a couple of weeks, school is starting and our kiddos will be out the door racing to the bus, skipping to their brand new classes, running around with their friends at recess and meeting their new teachers? Crazy!!! This time of year brings so much excitement...including new school supplies, new clothes and super cool shoes (that of course make you run faster and jump so much higher!) and don't forget new teacher gifts that requires our creative minds and juices to run wild! Speaking of...have I got a surprise for YOU! I can't even wait!!! This month we have creative minds and juices running more than wild!!! All of August we are going to brush up on our alphabet skills creativity at it's finest with 26 of the MOST creative and FABULOUS ladies I have ever met! I have teamed up with these blogger buddies to bring you the funnest series ever!!! We are celebrating the alphabet one letter at a time Back To School style!

  Back To School, A-Z Series - The Ribbon Retreat Blog 

Here's how it works. Starting tomorrow, these lovely ladies are going to be getting crafty with their assigned letter of the alphabet! Their homework assignment was to come up with and to create a super awesome project that celebrates their letter. One day at a time, these innovative ladies will share their letter project with us, right here, front and center!! I can't even tell you how much fun this is going to be!

  Back To School A-Z Series - The Ribbon Retreat Blog 

Are you ready for the letter line-up? Hold onto your hats! "A" - Amber, Crazy Little Projects "B" - Becky, Patchwork Posse "C" - Christine, I Dig Pinterest "D" - Amy, Ameroonie Designs "E" - Bev, Flamingo Toes "F" - Kim, Seven Thirty Three "G" - Kimbo, A Girl and A Glue Gun "H" - Meredith, Wait Til Your Father Gets Home "I" - liZ, Simple Simon and Co. "J" - Sky, Capital B "K" - Emily, The Benson Street "L" - Adrienne, Free Time Frolics "M" - Michele, The Scrap Shoppe "N" - McKenzie, Girl Loves Glam "O" - Janica, JaniJo "P" - Melanie, Find it, Make it, Love it "Q" - Elizabeth, Simple Simon and Co. "R" - Michelle, The Ribbon Retreat Blog "S" - Mandy, Sugar Bee Crafts "T" - Natalie, The Creative Mom "U" - Becky, U Create "V" - Kami, Sweet Charli "W" - Terra, Mama Says Sew "X" - Jessica, Running With Scissors "Y" - Lisa, Mabey She Made It "Z" - Jaime, Everyday Art

Wow, right?!? This is going to be spectacular and full of yummy creative goodness! So get those rulers out and your scissors sharpened because you are going to need them! Your assignment??? Make sure to check in every day of every week in August, Monday - Saturday, to help us celebrate and learn more about our alphabet and how these incredible ladies transform their letter assignment into pure crafty genius!!! And...what is an awesome series without an awesome giveaway??? Hehe...don't you worry because this series is totally jammed packed with inspiring creativity and an INCREDIBLE giveaway too!!! But, you are going to have to be a little patient, because the giveaway won't come until a little later, so stay tuned and make sure to check back every day!!! See you tomorrow class, where we will learn all about the letter "A"!
  Back To School, A-Z Series - The Ribbon Retreat Blog 
Happy Creating & Happy A-Z Series!

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